Our Classess

The Montessori Classroom

The Montessori method of teaching is a child-centred approach of education.  This involves child led activities, teaching the child independence and giving them the ability to work and move at their own pace.

In the Montessori classroom, you will see that all children work independently with specially designed Montessori learning materials. A Montessori teacher moves around the classroom and works one-on-one with each student allowing the teacher to focus on the child as a whole.

Montessori education is student led and guided by a knowledgable, trained teacher giving the child the opportunity to follow their own curiosity at their own pace.  This allows them to fully grasp and understand each concept before moving to the next activity and aids in their future development in life.

Mixed age groups are found in the Montessori classroom from ages 3-6 years old, which benefits each student as they are able to learn from one another.  It allows them to learn the importance of team work and eliminates competition.  Each child is given their freedom to work at their own pace without feeling pressurised to keep up with their class peers.

The Montessori equipment

Montessori materials are hands-on learning tools that are specifically created to stimulate each child’s mind to encourage exploration and to motivate independent learning.

The Montessori equipment is enticing, simple to use and assists children’s learning and development.

Through repetition and practice, the Montessori materials teach one skill at a time to provide children with the opportunity to master key learning outcomes.

The Montessori teacher will introduce the Montessori equipment whilst working one-on-one with each child and then invite the child to have a turn to work with the material independently.

The Montessori equipment is presented to the child in order from easiest to hardest. This structure provides a logical and ordered progression for learning, which promotes the gradual layering of knowledge.